Tuesday 9 August 2011

The importance of English

!±8± The importance of English

Frankly, it is very important to know the language for communication. In general, the most popular language English. In this age of computers, English is the only language everyone can understand. So to speak, has to be an ideal language to express our feelings. First we have to learn the language and then we have to win in the language fluently. If we master the English language, would not be possible to use the computer. If you do notHe speaks English, you'd need a translator to do the job.

The first phase of learning this language would be very interesting. Once you are fluent with the alphabets, slowly, you can learn many words. It would be even better, follow the method of first reading, then writing. You can picture books for this purpose. If you believe that with the words, you can form sentences. This is the most interesting phase of learning. You just have to think of a sentencein your native language, and try to write the same sentence in English. There might be some mistake. But do not worry. But, it has the same set with many different words until you write happy with your Sept. If you follow this path, soon you can own the set.

The next step is to learn the grammar of the language. It 'very simple and systematic comparison with other languages. There are some rules and regulationsfor each topic in the grammar of that language. As long as you follow the rules and regulations, it would be a difficult task to make mistakes. You would have won that many indications from the grammar.
The presentation is the most important factor in the communication of your feelings. So, of course, you must be sure they are present throughout. what you really want to say. At any time, try not to write or talk about your skills. Although there is a small and simple sentence would be to achieveReceiver perfectly. This is our basic idea. Slowly, you can set the default for the language, to improve the practice. If you know how to do the sets, is more than enough to penetrate deep into the subject. Although this is only one article on the importance of the English language, we need to learn some of the key points in the presentation of the sentences.
There are three different types of sentences: they are
Statement 1. 2 interrogative phrase. 3 Sentence imperative. 4Exclamation sentence. First, you need to know the difference between a sentence and a sentence.

Sentence is a group of words that make sense, but not quite important.
A set is a group of words that makes complete sense.

Statement 1: The sentence begins with a noun or pronoun is known as a statement.

Example: Rome is a city church.

Interrogative Sentence 2: There are two types of interrogative sentences.

a. "Wh" question. The phrasesStarting with the following question fords "wh". What, When, Where, Who, how many, how long, and so on.
Example: Why did you come too late? 2 What are you doing?

b. "Yes or No" question. For the sets that you get the answer is yes or no, they want to say yes or no question.
Example: It 'your father a doctor? The answer: No, sir.

3 Imperative sentence: The phrase, command, known as the request and recommended a series of imperatives.Example: Walking on the sidewalk. 2 Eat regularly.

4 The famous phrase that the sudden strong feelings or emotions expressed as a set of exclamation exclamation sentence.

Example: Oh! He died. 2 Oh! What a nice view.

If you are familiar with the above points, it would be very interesting for the creation of many documents wonderful.
In general, the phrases are divided into three different types. They are
1 Simple sentence. 2 Structure of the sentence.Sentence 3 complex.

Although it is very important skill in dealing with these principles, we must examine separately. In this paper we discuss the importance of language.
Many people make mistakes, even with the use of articles. It 'a shame that even scientists can be wrong. Therefore, you should not go down with your style of writing.

There is a big difference between these two. 1 a few seconds
If you mean that youFriends say that "for some friends I have."
If you say you want to have friends, you have to say that "some friends I have."

This is the opposite of the word, many of them.
Besides these, there are many points to be discussed later.
If you feel that you are already strong on the issues mentioned above, it is possible to develop knowledge for the benefit of your knowledge. As long as you educate, you get a lot of new things. There is no endfor learning. All the points mentioned above are used in the normal use of English. The literary value of English is something completely different and should be treated separately.

The importance of English

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